Satirical News: China Feeds Edible Jellyfish as "Daily Food" For the Pinoy Pridists Responsible for the "Violationa/Non-Credo/Bitayin Day" Incident

China just had a problem of "too much jellyfish" in its water especially giant ones.  After harvesting excess jellyfish, it was quite fortunate that most of them were edible and only a few were non-edible which were turned into fertilizer.  However due to jellyfish fatigue even by tourists and the Chinese people, China came up with the solution to punish the Pinoy pridists.  Since the Pinoy pridists would rather eat pagpag or food from the trash can than regular Chinese prison food, the chefs decided to turn the jellyfish into food for the Pinoy pridists who said, "We shall not have a single bit of non-Pinoy food in our mouths." despite the fact they actually had eaten KFC and Jollibee way back in the Philippines.

After which, Chinese authorities began to proceed to slice down the edible jellyfish into "prison food" dried up and served salted and with common vinegar to the prisoners.  The impact was better than expected.  The Pinoy pridists who were imprisoned for causing trouble last March 30, 2014 were then forced to eat jellyfish spiced with Chinese common spice as their daily food until their term is over, began to feel worse about themselves.  In fact, some of them out of their stupidity died in prison from self-starvation because they refuse to ate anything that wasn't Filipino made.  Unfortunately for them, quality Filipino food products exported to China are considered "too good" to be fed to Pinoy pridists.
